I moved to Camlachie from Caledonia in 2021. I had no idea the difficult road ahead of me trying to rebuild a business that was so successful for so many years. Not to mention, Caledonia is in the middle of drawing from MILLIONS of possible clients. From Hamilton, To Toronto, Niagara to Brantford, London Ontario, Guelph, Ancaster...the list just goes on.
But moving to Lambton County only draws from 1: this side of the border (being 70,000 people) and possibly into London Ontario (450,000 people). It's been hard to break into a new county. Truly. But it's happening slowly. I won't give up - and when I have God on my side, it always works out according to His will...and I'm here for it!
However, this sweet baby girls family has returned from back home and drove the 2 hours to Sarnia to be photographed. My heart is so full!! This baby is the little one of a missionary family and her mom grew up coming to our house hanging out with our kids. To see her as a mom is crazy! And amazing! And I am just so proud of the woman she's become...and her baby is going to be a WORLD CHANGER!!!