TWINS!! Give me ALLLLLLL THE BABIES!!!! I absolutely love multiples photography and to be honest if there was enough business for it, I would only photograph multiples because I love it THAT MUCH!!! I love all babies!! ALL OF THEM! I want them ALL!!
My father in law asked me today when I can remember starting to love babies so much and I remember it's been since I was a child playing with cabbage patch dolls (Okay so now I'm aging myself) BUT I would save the diapers and clothes for my baby when I grew up. Then in grades 6-high school, I lived in London in townhouses right behind the Childrens hospital on Westminster Ave (then the hospital was called Victoria Hospital). I would go up in the evenings and just watch the babies in the nursery. Again - aging myself but back then they had all these babies in bassinets and the nurses would take care of them all in one room behind a HUGE glass window and I would just look at all the babies. I KNEW I needed to do something with babies. I jus KNEW in my heart.
Today, I am a paramedic (became one to deliver babies without all the schooling) but after 25 years I have still NEVER DELIVERED A BABY)...I am a newborn photographer and have literally photographed a couple thousand babies since I started in 2008 AND I'm a foster mom to newborn babies for an adoption and family agency (not Children and Families services)...I also run Heaven Bound but trigger warning - you don't want to look that up but also a gift of photography offered to parents who don't get to take their babies home.
My whole world is around newborn babies and I love every moment of it. The more babies in my arms...the better! I LOVE BABIES!!
This family came from London Ontario which is only 50 minutes away depending where in London Ontario you are coming from. My studio is located in downtown sarnia (which will likely change in June of 2025) AGAIN, but for now I serve the Lambton County area and anyone willing to drive from London. I also still have my GTA clients who don't even blink at the drive because it's #worththedrivetosarnia for them!
Know anyone having triplets? I NEED MORE BABIES !!! hehehehe
Let me know! xo